Altar Servers
Assist the priest on the altar with other servers to help them through Mass. Promote and train altar servers for our liturgies. Girls & Boys…
Attend parish funerals to express prayerful solidarity with the grieving family.
Baptismal Preparation
Preparation for parents who are presenting their children for Baptism. Please contact Annamaria in the Parish office for more information.
Boy Scouts / Cub Scouts
Boy Scout Troop 209 is our parish troop. Boys 11 years old and older are welcome. Meetings are Monday nights from 7 p.m. to 8:30…
Bus Drivers for Sunday Mass
The Parish Bus Driving Ministry transports parishioners to Mass or other Church functions. These parishioners would not be able to participate due to lack of…
Children’s Center
Established in 2003. We accept babies and toddlers from 2 months to 2 years. Our program hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. We encourage…
St. Paul Catholic Women’s Ministry
St. Paul Catholic Women’s Ministry is a group of dedicated, Catholic women whose mission is to serve our church and community. All practicing Catholic women…
Confirmation For Adults
This program is for practicing Catholics, 18 year of age or older, who have never received the Sacrament of Confirmation and would like to be…
Confirmation for Teens
Confirmation preparation for 8th grade students is part of the Catholic formation at St. Paul’s Catholic School and part the Family Religious Education program for…
Construction Committee
Experts in construction and related fields who assist pastor in building and renovation projects.
Contemporary Choir
Provides contemporary music for the 6:00 p.m. Sunday Mass. Meets before Mass at 4:00 p.m. for rehearsal and setup. Requires minimum of 3 hours of…
Dads Club
St. Paul School Dads Club is an opportunity for fathers, and other positive male role models to be present in their children’s lives through support…
Eucharistic Ministers (altar)
Assist at liturgies by distributing Holy Communion, at about 20 Masses per year. Must be a confirmed Catholic.
Eucharistic Ministers for the Homebound
When one member of the Parish is unable to celebrate fully at the Sunday Liturgy due to sickness or advanced age, the Eucharist Minister becomes…
Faith Community Nurse Program
The mission of the Faith Community Nurse Program is to: Respond to the health needs of the congregation Minister to the whole person Increase awareness…
Family Religious Education
Catholic faith formation for our Parish families whose children in grades K through 8 do not attend a Catholic School. Classes are held twice per…
Festival Committee
Annual week long Festival with proceeds benefiting our school. Meet a couple of times in the two months leading up to the event. Helpers needed…
Financial Peace University
Spiritually based finance course aimed at reducing debt, but includes education on insurance, investments, mutual funds, relationships and more. Each session is a program of…
First Communion and First Reconciliation
Second (2nd) grade students are prepared for reception of these sacraments as part of the Catholic formation at St. Paul’s Catholic School and as part…
Folk Group
Music ministry for the 9:30 AM Sunday Mass. They have been leading the congregation in song since about 1970. This group prides itself in its…
Girl Scouts
Provide activities to help girls develop as women and leaders. Kindergarten to 12th grade. Leaders require Safe Environment training.
Home and School Association
The Home and School Association is a parental support group for the growth and development of the school. The association raises funds for the school…
Child Hunger Initiative
Each month we are helping to transition two homeless families with children from the homeless shelter to permanent housing in partnership with SVdP CARES. In…
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to…
Assist at liturgies by proclaiming the Word, at about 12 Masses per year. Must be a confirmed Catholic. Requires good speaking voice. Experience in public…
Loaves & Fishes
We are an outreach ministry of St Paul’s feeding the homeless at the St. Vincent de Paul Food Center. We serve approximately 150 people each…
Marriage Preparation
Meet with engaged couples as they prepare for marriage.
Men’s Ministry
Meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center. Join us for prayer, scripture, song, and sharing our…
Morning Bible Study
Everyone is invited to Morning Bible Study every Monday at 10:30 AM upstairs in the Parish Center.
Partners With Haiti
Partners with Haiti has been working with St. Paul’s twin parish in Haiti, St. Isidore, since 1999. The ministry provides financial aid and works in…
Prayer Team
Prayer requests may be emailed to the Prayer Team coordinator asking team members to personally pray for specific requests. Contact the parish office for the…
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
OCIA is a small study group for those preparing for adult sacraments. The program prepares those interested in becoming Catholic, or Catholics not yet confirmed,…
Rite of Christian Initiation of Children
This program prepares children from Third Grade through High School for the sacraments of initiation, those to be baptized, or those who are baptized but…
Assist in preparation of liturgy, include care of vestments, linens, and vessels, marking readings, placing flowers, monitoring sacristy supplies. Required time is one Mass per…
St. Paul Catholic School
On September 15, 1930, St. Paul Catholic School opened with five Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, New York, and 136 students in grades one through nine.…
St. Petersburg Catholic High School
St. Petersburg Catholic High School is more than a school; it is a home. We take pride not only in excellent academic, athletics, arts programs,…
St. Vincent de Paul
Volunteers provide material assistance & spiritual support through visits to the poor of our community. Meets twice a month, first and third Thursdays at 7:00…
Stewardship Council
Encourages parishioners to learn about the many ways to volunteer and get involved in parish life at St. Paul’s. This group sponsors an annual complimentary…
Traditional Choir
Leads the congregation in song by providing music for the 11:30 a.m. Sunday Mass and for special programs throughout the year. We sing hymns, regular…
Pass the Offertory collection, hand out bulletins, take head count. When necessary, assist with seating and be alert to emergencies, calling 911 if necessary. Head…
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is held for one week during the summer for children entering pre K 4 through grade 5. Adult volunteers present the program…
Update St. Paul’s parish website ( with news, photos, and events.
Young-at-Heart Seniors
This Club gives seniors (55+) an opportunity to gather on Tuesdays twice a month in the Parish Center. The Senior Educational Program with community speakers…
Youth Ministry Middle and High School
The EDGE program at St. Paul’s strives to introduce a real and fulfilling relationship with Christ to students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade. EDGE…
Cantors lead the hymn singing and Mass parts for the Saturday 5:30 p.m. and Sunday 7:30 a.m. Masses. Cantors generally rehearse with the parish organist/choir…
Coffee House
The Coffee House Ministry is a welcoming ministry that provides refreshments and hospitality in the Cafeteria after the 9:30 a.m. Mass each Sunday. Everyone is…