Camino Pilgrimage Sept. 15-25, 2025
Msgr. Gibbons is planning a walking pilgrimage on the renowned “El Camino – The Way of St. James” in Northern Spain. Dates of the pilgrimage trip are Sept. 15-25, 2025. Space is limited, so don’t hold back on signing up if you are planning to go. Full details and the registration form are available here.
The Camino de Santiago (the Way of St. James) is an extensive net- work of ancient pilgrim routes stretching across Europe and com- ing together at the tomb of St. James in the city of Compostela. We will be walking the final stretch of the “French route” over the course of six (6) walking days, covering about 80 miles, walking between 13 and 20 miles per day.
You will be removed from the routine of your everyday life, but you’ll have great accommodations, meals, and support. A van or
small bus will also be driving parallel to the path you walk each day. Should you feel tired, need water, or medical assistance, it will be readily available to you at check points that are set up along the way. (And the van carries your luggage, so no need for a heavy backpack!)